Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Monsterpocalypse Baby!

Monsterpocalypse is a fast moving, action packed strategy game played with pre-painted miniatures. Each game takes place in a city that you and your opponant construct by placing buildings on a map. You then fight it out to be the last man standing, using a giant monster, and his (or her) support units from one of twelve factions. The factions range from giant bugs, to huge robots, there's something for everyone.

The gameplay isn't hard to pick up, but the level of strategy you can take the game to can be quite rewarding. You can also have a look at all the available factions Here

If you live in the Auckland area and want to learn how to play, or just get some gametime in with your monsters, drop us a line at

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Elves face Ogres on a rampage.

Had the pleasure of facing Antony K with his new Ogres recently. Antony has always been a top player and a canny opponent. He has also very creatively fashioned an all Budha army to represent his Ogre Kingdoms and is furiously trying to get them painted up for the upcoming NZ Masters, which you can see Here.

In his Army he had a Slaughtermaster leading two large blocks of Ogre footpads, BSB, Bruiser, Firebelly, Gorger, supported by 3 single Sabretusks, 2 blocks of Leadbelchers, Mournfangs, and IronBlaster. A relatively solid combo and lots of Flesh so would be hard to stop especially backed up by fast paced troops and a bit of cavalry. Terrain was going to favour the fatties as everything on the table just funnelled it onto my one hill deployment.

Army of Elves to face the despoilers was the standard army that's kept in the Clubs cupboards. Archmage (Shadow) leading triple blocks of infantry, Phoenix Guard, White Lions, Spears, supported by large block of archers, small unit of 12 archers, and a eagle and RBT combo. Protecting the flanks I had a unit of Dragon Princes, Tiranoc Chariot and a Lion Chariot.

Having played Ogres previously I was very wary of getting out shot by their Leadbelchers and having my infantry whittled down before we faced the inevitable clash in the middle. The spells I rolled was going to help having got Withering and Pit of Shades, the main weapons that I was going to use backed up by a bit of Miasma. So I left the Chariots and Cavalry to protect my flanks and tried to get my infantry into combat as quickly as possible. With Large pit of shades scrolled 1st turn and then casting and only splashing a single Ogre and Sabretusk the 2nd turn. I decided it was time to charge a exposed flank of Leadbelchers needing a 9 with the Tiranoc. Foolishly my days of playing as a Bretonian player made me charge his Sabrtusk diverter with the Phoenix Guard bunker and exposed my army to both of his Ogre footpad blocks. The game was pretty much decided by then as the Elves were never going to cause enough wounds as the Ogres counter charged and took the initiative. Ogres then started to show why they are much better in 8th edition and rampaged through the Elves accompanied with some very squishy sounds. Only thing to do was to congratulate my opponent on a very measured and tactical game.

Really happy that the game took on the variations it did as it was some very good sound tactical lessons that I learnt from this. Ogres have really improved with their mobile gun platforms supporting their always solid combat choices and protecting their fringes now there is dependable Cavalry and cheap diverter options. The tactics I took into this game I really didn't stick to and a more solid use of shooting and magic would have evened the match up for the Elves for sure.

The Elven commander walks away from this battlefield feathers a bit ruffled but a wiser and a more wary one next come conflict...

Elven Steel is crumpled by a mass of Ogre bellies as the Elven cavalry look on in muted silence unable to support the fight.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Equinox Tournament, not to be missed

Equinox is one of the biggest tournament conventions in Auckland and will be held next year March 2012. Sytems held will be Warhammer Fantasy & 40K and will feature a host of competitors from all around the country. There will be trophies and prizes a plenty so come and catch some tournament fun. As a thank you for making this Blog a success and visiting the site I've extended the early registration cheap entry fee for the tournament til January the 1st..

The Warmachine and Flames of war tournament's are close to reaching their capacity as well now. It's great to see the tournament scene in New Zealand catching on fire and taking off. Keep wargaming and join in the fun at a tournament near you.

More information Here.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Masters 2011, 40K lists out. Part 3.

The very first competition held with out any comp scoring for Masters this year and all the lists are in. The overall tournament scene hasn't seen much of this kind of competition and it will be good to see how it goes with the top players in the country gathering for this event. Some very saucey lists out below for your perusal.

Andrew.Bartosh: Alpha Legion

SORCEROR                          145pt
terminator armor, combi melta, mark of slanesh, lash of submission.

DAEMON PRINCE             155pts
 wings, mark of slanesh, lash of submission.

8x TERMINATORS            330pts
mark of tzeencth, combi melta x 2, 2 x power fists, chain fist, champion

mark of chaos glory, champion, power fist, melta, flamer, rhino, extra armor.
mark of chaos glory, champion, power fist, melta, flamer, rhino, extra armor.
mark of chaos glory, champion, power fist, combi plasma, 2 x plasma guns, rhino, extra armor.

2x OBLITERATORS            150pts.
2x OBLITERATORS            150pts

TOTAL = 1750PTS.

Charlie St Clair: Space Wolves

Njal Stormcaller                245pts

5x Wolf Guard                   215pts
Combi-melta x5, Powerfist x5.

5 Wolf Scouts                     85pts
8x Grey Hunters               175pts
Meltagun, Wolf standard, Rhino, dozer blade.
8x Grey Hunters               175pts
Meltagun, Wolf standard, Rhino, dozer blade.

7x Grey Hunters               160pts
 Meltagun, Wolf standard, Rhino, dozer blade
7x Grey Hunters               160pts
 Meltagun, Wolf standard, Rhino, dozer blade

5x Grey Hunters               150pts
Flamer, Razorback,  Lascannon + Twin-linked plasmagun.

5x  Long Fangs                   115pts
Missile launcher x4
5x  Long Fangs                   115pts
Missile launcher x4
5x  Long Fangs                   155pts
Missile launcher x4, Razorback

Total = 1750pts

Damien Avery: Tyranids

Hive Tyrant  195pts
Lash Whip & Bone Sword, Scything Talons, Old Adversary, Leech Essence, Paroxysm

2x Tyrant Guard Brood 130pts
Lash Whip.

3x Hive Guard Brood 150pts
3x Hive Guard Brood 150pts

8x Ymgarl Genestealer Brood 184pts

Tervigon 210pts
Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Stinger Salvo, Dominion, Catalyst, Onslaught
10x Termagant Brood 50pts

Tervigon 210pts
Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Stinger Salvo, Dominion, Catalyst, Onslaught
10x Termagant Brood 50pts

Trygon 210pts
Adrenal Glands
Trygon 210pts
Adrenal Glands

Total = 1749

Daniel Hayden: Tyranids

The Swarm Lord                              280pts

Tyrant Guard                                    65pts

3x Hive Guard                                  150pts
3x Hive Guard                                  150pts
10x Ymgarl Genestealer Brood 230pts

Tervigon                                               195pts
Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst.
10x Termagants                                 50pts

Trygon                                                   210pts
Adrenal Glands
Trygon                                                   210pts
Adrenal Glands
Trygon                                                  210pts
Adrenal Glands

Total = 1750pts

David Dawn: Tyranids

Hive Tyrant                                         280pts
Wings, Hive Commander, Old Adversary.

Tyranid Prime                                    100pts
Lash Whip & Bone Sword, Deathspitter.

15x Termagants                                150pts

6x Genestealer Brood                    150pts
Broodlord, toxin sacs, scything talons.
6x Genestealer Brood                    150pts
Broodlord, toxin sacs, scything talons.

20x Hormagaunt Brood                                 160pts
Toxin Sacs.

Doom of Malan'tai                           130pts
Mycetic Spore

5x Ymgarl Genestealers                                115pts
5x Ymgarl Genestealers                                115pts
Trygon                                                                  200pts
Trygon                                                                  200pts

Total = 1750

 David Foster: Chaos Marines

Daemon Prince                                                 155pts
Wings, Mark of Slaanesh, Lash of Submission.

4x Chaos Terminators                    165 pts
Power Fist, Combi-plasma x4, Mark of Slaanesh.

5x Chaos Terminators                    195 pts
Power Fist x2, Heavy Flamer, Combi-melta x4.

10xChaos Space Marines              260 pts
Chaos Glory, Flamer, Melta gun, Rhino, Aspiring Champ with Combi-flamer,Power Fist.
10xChaos Space Marines              260 pts
Chaos Glory, Flamer, Melta gun, Rhino, Aspiring Champ with Combi-flamer,Power Fist.
8x Khorne Berserkers                   243 pts
Rhino, Skull Champion with Power Fist.

2x Obliterators                                  150 pts
2x Obliterators                                  150 pts
5x Havocs                                        170 pts
Chaos Glory, Plasma gun x4, Rhino

Total = 1748pts

David Wilson: Sisters of Battle

Saint Celestine                                  115pts

10x Battle Sisters Squad                180pts                                                                                  
2x Meltagun, Rhino.
10xBattle Sisters Squad                 185pts                                                                                                  
Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Rhino
10x Battle Sisters Squad                 185pts
Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Rhino
10x Battle Sisters Squad                  185pts
Flamer, Heavy Flamer, Rhino
5x Seraphim Squad                         135pts                                                                  
Eviscerator, Two Inferno Pistols.

5x Dominion Squad                         180pts
Combi-melta, 2xMeltagun, Immolator, Twin-Linked Multimelta.
5x Dominion Squad                         180pts
Combi-melta, 2xMeltagun, Immolator, Twin-Linked Multimelta.

Exorcist                                                                135pts                                                                                                                  
Exorcist                                                                135pts                                                                                                                  
Exorcist                                                                135pts                                                                                                                  

Total = 1750pts

Doug Sainsbury: Grey Knights

Coteaz  185pts
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor, Psychotroke Grenades, Rad Grenades, Level 1 Psyker.

5x Purifiers                         190pts
Psycannon x2, Razorback, Psybolt Ammo
5x Purifiers                         190pts
Psycannon x2, Razorback, Psybolt Ammo
5x Purifiers                         190pts
Psycannon x2, Razorback, Psybolt Ammo

5x Death Cult Assassin   147pts
3x Warriors, Meltagun x2, Rhino.
5x Strike Squad                                 195pts
Psycannon x1, Razorback, Assault Cannon, Psybolt Ammo.

3x Warriors                         62pts
Razorback, Psybolt Ammo.
3x Warriors                         62pts
Razorback, Psybolt Ammo.
3x Warriors                         62pts
Razorback, Psybolt Ammo.
3x Warriors                         62pts
Razorback, Psybolt Ammo.

Dreadnought                     135pts
Twin Linked Autocannons x2, Psybolt Ammo
Dreadnought                     135pts
Twin Linked Autocannons x2, Psybolt Ammo
Dreadnought                     135pts
Twin Linked Autocannons x2, Psybolt Ammo

Total = 1750pts

Haydn Korach: Eldar

Eldrad Ulthran                   210

5x Fire Dragons                 190
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, T/l Shuriken cannons.

5x Fire Dragons                 190
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, T/l Shuriken cannons.
5x Dire Avengers              190
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, T/l Missile Launcher.
5x Dire Avengers              190
Wave Serpent, Spirit Stones, T/l Missile Launcher.

5x Dire Avengers              180
Wave Serpent, T/l Missile Launcher.
5x  Dire Avengers             60

3x Warwalkers 180pts
Each with two scatter lasers
3x Warwalkers 180pts
Each with two scatter lasers

Falcon              180pts
Holofields, Missile Launcher, Spirit Stones.

Total = 1750pts

Henare Akari: Black Templar

Emperors champion       140pts
Accept any Challenge

Marshal                                183pts
Power fist, Terminator armour, Adamantium mantel, Storm shield, Tank hunter.

Command squad              222pts
4x Terminators, 2x Cyclone missile launchers, Tank hunter.
5x Terminators                  265pts
2x Cyclones, Tank hunter.

5x Terminators                  265pts
2x Cyclones, Tank hunter.

5x Initiates                          153pts
Missile launcher, Melta gun, Rhino, Smoke launcher.
5x Initiates                          153pts
Missile launcher, Melta gun, Rhino, Smoke launcher.
5x Initiates                          101pts
LasCannon, Plasma gun

2x Typhoones                    140pts
3x Bikers                              126pts
3x Melta gun

Total = 1748pts.

Jack Dunn : Dark Eldar

Baron Sathonyx,               105 pts

3x Kabalite Trueborn      146 pts
Blaster x3, 1 Venom, Splinter Cannon
3x Kabalite Trueborn      146 pts
Blaster x3, 1 Venom, Splinter Cannon
3x Kabalite Trueborn 146 pts
Blaster x3, 1 Venom, Splinter Cannon

5x Kabalite Warriors        125 pts
Blaster x1, Venom,Splinter Cannon.
5x Kabalite Warriors        125 pts
Blaster x1, Venom,Splinter Cannon.
5x Kabalite Warriors        125 pts
Blaster x1, Venom,Splinter Cannon.
5x Kabalite Warriors        125 pts
Blaster x1, Venom,Splinter Cannon.
5x Kabalite Warriors        125 pts
Blaster x1, Venom,Splinter Cannon.

5x Beastmasters               258 pts
9x Khymerae,
6x Razorwing.

Ravager                                110 pts
Shock Prow
Ravager                                105 pts
Ravager                                105 pts

Total = 1746pts

Mark Buttle : Eldar

Autarch                                                80pts
Fusion Gun

5x Fire dragons                 190pts
wave serpent, twin shuri-cannon, shuriken cannon
5x Fire dragons                 190pts
wave serpent, twin shuri-cannon, shuriken cannon
5x Fire dragons                 205pts
wave serpent, twin scatter lasers, shuriken cannon

5x Dire avengers              190pts
wave serpent, twin missile, shuriken cannon
5x Dire avengers              190pts
wave serpent, twin missile, shuriken cannon
5x Dire Avengers             60pts

Fire prism                            115pts
Fire prism                            115pts

Falcon                                   175pts
scatter lasers, holo field, shuriken cannon.

2x Vypers                            120pts
2 shuriken cannon, 2 chin shuriken cannon.
2x Vypers                            120pts
2 shuriken cannon, 2 chin shuriken cannon.

Total = 1750pts

Matt Robinson: Biel-Tan

Farseer                                 198pts
Ghosthelm, Singing spear, Jet Bike, Spirit Stones,Runes of warding, Runes of witnessing.

10x Guardian                     140pts
Bright Lance +30,Warlock, Rune Armour,Wave Serpent.
10x Guardian                     130pts
EML, Warlock, Rune Armour, Wave Serpent.
10x Guardian                     118pts
Shuriken Cannon,Warlock, Rune Armour, Singing Spear, Wave Serpent

5x Guardian Jet Bikes     141PTS
Shuriken Cannon ,Warlock,Singing Spear.
3x Vyper Squadron         180pts
 Shuriken Cannon x3, Scatter Laser x3.
3x War Walker                   120pts
Falcon                                   185pts
Shuriken Cannon , Star Cannon, Holo-fields, Pulse laser

3x Support Weapon Battery        150pts
D-Cannon x3.
Wave Serpent                                   145pts
Shuriken Cannon, Twin-Linked Bright Lance.
Wave Serpent                                   130pts
Shuriken Cannon, Twin-Linked EML.
Wave Serpent                                   110pts
Shuriken Cannon, Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannnon.

Total = 1750pts

Robert Power: Eldar

Farseer                                                135pts,
Doom, Guide, Spirit Stones, Runes of Warding

Autarch                                                90pts,
Fusion Gun, Power Weapon.

5x Fire Dragons                                   205pts
Wave Serpent with T/L Scatter Lasers, Spirit Stones
5x Harliequin                           126pts,
2 Fusion Pistols, 4 with Kisses.

5x Harliequin                           126pts,
2 Fusion Pistols, 4 with Kisses.
5x Dire Avengers                     185pts,
Wave Serpent with T/L Scatter Laser, Spirit Stones
5x Dire Avengers                     185pts,
Wave Serpent with T/L Scatter Laser, Spirit Stones

10x Storm Guardians               227pts,
2 Flamers, Warlock with Destructor, Wave Serpent with T/L EML, Spirit Stones

Vyper                                      60pts,
Scatter Laser.
Falcon                                      190pts,
EML, Shuriken Cannon, Holo-fields, Spirit Stones
Falcon                                      190pts,
EML, Shuriken Cannon, Holo-fields, Spirit Stones

Total – 1749pts

Tristan Sample:  Chaos

Keeper Of Secrets                           235pts
Soporific Musk,Unholy Might.

Herald Of Slaanesh                          120pts
Chariot Of Slaanesh, Soporific Musk, Unholy Might, Transfixing gaze,Chaos Icon (Of Slaanesh)

Herald Of Slaanesh                          80pts
Mount Of Slaanesh, Unholy Might, Transfixing gaze.

3x Fiends Of Slaanesh                    100pts
Unholy Might.
3x Fiends Of Slaanesh                    100pts
Unholy Might.
3x Fiends Of Slaanesh                    100pts
Unholy Might.

12x Daemonettes Of Slaanesh   193pts
Chaos Icon (Of Slaanesh)
12x Daemonettes Of Slaanesh   193pts
Chaos Icon (Of Slaanesh)
10x Daemonettes Of Slaanesh   140pts
10x Daemonettes Of Slaanesh   140pts
6x Seekers Of Slaanesh                                  102pts

Daemon Prince                                                 245pts
Mark Of Slaanesh, Daemonic Flight, Soporific Musk, Aura Of Acquiescense, Daemonic Gaze, Iron Hide, Unholy Might 

Total =  1748

Hagen Kerr: Imperial Guard

25x Company Command Squad: 170pts
- Regimental Standard, Lascannon, Astropath
- Chimera w/Multilaser + Heavy Bolter

5x Company Command Squad: 85pts
- Meltabombs (Company Commander), 3x Meltaguns

10x Psyker Battle Squad: 165pts
- Overseer, 9x Sanctioned Psykers
- Chimera w/Multilaser + Heavy Bolter

10x Veteran Squad: 145pts
- Power fist, 3x Meltaguns, Demolitions, Shotguns

Infantry Platoon: 525pts
5x Platoon Command Squad
- 4x Flamer
- Chimera w/Multilaser + Heavy Flamer

9x Infantry Squad
- Flamer, Autocannon
- Chimera w/Multilaser + Heavy Flamer

9x Infantry Squad
- Flamer, Autocannon
- Chimera w/Multilaser + Heavy Flamer

10x Infantry Squad
- Flamer, Autocannon, Meltabombs (Sergeant), Commissar

3x Heavy Weapons Squad
- 3x Autocannons

10x Penal Legion Squad: 80pts

Valkyrie: 130pts
- 2x Rocket Pods

Vendetta: 140pts
- Heavy Bolter sponsons

Hydra Flak Tank: 75pts

Hydra Flak Tank: 75pts

Manticore: 160pts

Total: 1750pts

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Masters 2011 Part 2

So there's been a stack of Army lists arrived into my inbox last night. Some very solid armies and some that will require more delicate manoeuvring. These are the lists that will contest the Fantasy Masters and Tomorrow I'll have the 40K lists up as well.

Antony Kitson: Ogres

Slaughter Master (Lvl4)      385
Fencers Blades, Glittering Scales, Dragon Bane Gem, Potion of Strength, Sceptre of Stability.

Firebelly (Lvl 1)                  147
Additional Hand Weapon, Dispell Scroll.

Bruiser                                190
BsB, Heavy Armour, Great Weapon, Dragon Helm, 5+ward, Potion of Foolhardiness.

Bruiser                                142
Heavy Armour, Additional Hand Weapon, Giant Breaker, Potion of Speed.

11x Bulls                          382
Standard, Musician, Champion, Iron Fists.
9x IronGuts                      432
Standard, Musician, Champion, Standard of Discipline.

3x Lead Belchers             129
3x Lead Belchers             129
2x Mournfangs                 140
Iron Fists, Heavy Armour.

1x Sabretooth                   21
1x Sabretooth                   21
1x Sabretooth                   21

Gorger                              90
Ironblaster                        170                                         Total: 2399

Basil Moskovis: Vampire Counts

Vampire Lord (Lvl 3)                        445pts
Sword of Might, Flayed Hauberk, Talisman of Preservation, The other Tricksters Shard, Red Fury, Infinite Hatred, Summon Ghouls.

Wight King                                          225pts
BsB, The Drakenhof Banner

Caine Wraith                                      60pts

Necromancer                                    95pts
Dispell Scroll, Invocation of Nehek, Vanhel's Danse Macabre.

28x Grave Guard                              439pts
Standard, Musician, Champion, Great Weapons, The Banner of the Burrows.

40x Crypt Ghouls                              328pts

25x Crypt Ghouls                              208

15x Crypt Ghouls                              128pts

3x Spirit Hosts                                    195pts
Corpse Cart                                        75pts
Black Coach                                       200pts                 Total: 2398pts

Daryl Painter: Dwarves

Dwarf Lord                                         246pts
Sheild Bearers,Great Weapon,Ro Stone,MRo Spite, Ro Furnace, Ro Preservation.

Battle Std Bearer                              150pts
MRo Gromil,Ro Might, Ro Fire, Ro Furnace.

Runesmith                                          149pts
Great Weapon, Mro Balance, Ro Spellbreaking.

20x Quarrellers                                  285pts
Standard, Musician, Champion, Great Weapons.

20x Quarrellers                                  285pts
Standard, Musician, Champion, Great Weapons

10x Rangers                                        120pts
Great Weapons, Throwing Axes.

30x Hammerers                                440pts
Standard, Musician, Champion, Mro Grungi

30x Slayers                                          342pts
Std Bearer

Cannon                                                125pts
Ro Forging

Grudge Thrower                              125pts
Ro Accuracy, Ro Penetrating, Ro Burning

Organ Gun                                          120pts                      Total: 2387

Glen Tibbles:  Beastmen

Doombull                                            347pts
Axes of Khorgor, Dragonhelm, Talisman of preservation, Potion of Speed.

Great Bray Shaman                         240pts
Dispell Scroll, Opal Amulet.

Wargor                                                 141pts
Brass Cleaver, Ramhorn Helm, Luck Stone.

Wargor                                                 206pts
BSB, Gnarled Hide, The Beast Banner

Gorebull                                              215pts
Armour of Silvered Steel.

37x Gor Herd                                     321pts
Standard, Musician, Champion.

10x Gor Herd                                     85pts

Tuskgor Chariot                                  80pts
Tuskgor Chariot                                  80pts
Tuskgor Chariot                                  80pts

6x Minotaurs                                      424pts
Standard, Musician, Champion, Blackened Plate.

5x Harpies                                           70pts
Razorgor Herd                                     55pts
Razorgor Herd                                     55pts                         Toatl: 2399pts

James Page: Dark Elves

Supreme Sorceress (Lvl4)                 345pts
Life Taker, Sacrificial dagger, Seal of Ghrond.

Sorceress (Lvl2)                                 160pts
Dispell Scroll.

Hag Queen                                         200pts
Cauldron of Blood.

Hag Queen                                         150pts
BsB, Banner of Hag Graef.

29x Executioners                              376pts
Standard, Musician, Banner of Eternal Flame.

5x Harpies                                           55pts

15 Repeater Crossbows                       160pts
Musician, Champion

25x Warriors                                       159pts
Standard, Musician.

25x Corsairs                                        290pts
Standard, Musician, The Sea Serpent Standard.

10 Shades                                            170pts
Additional Hand Weapon
10 Shades                                            160pts
War Hydra                                           175pts                            Total: 2400pts

Jeremy Brown: Vampire Counts

Vampire Lord (Lvl4)                         390pts
Dark Acolyte, Summon Ghouls, Helm of Command, Talisman of preservation, Cadverous Curaiss

Wight King                                          235pts
BsB, Great Weapon, Drakenhoff Banner

Vampire                                               175pts
Forbidden lore, Summon Ghouls, Dispell Scroll.
27x Ghouls                                          224pts

27x Ghouls                                          224pts

22x Skeletons                                    206pts
Standard, Musician, Champion, Banner of Hellfire

5x Dire Wolves                                  40pts
5x Dire Wolves                                  40pts

28x Grave Guard                              439pts
Standard, Musician, Champion, Banner of Burrows, Great Weapons.

Varghulf                                               175pts
5x Wraiths                                           250pts                           Total: 2398pts

Joe Dixon: Warriors

Chaos Lord                                          325pts
Mark of Tzeentch, Disc, Talisman of Preservation,
Charmed Shield, Crown of Command.

Sorcerer Lord                                     274pts
Heavens, Spell Familiar, Chaos Steed.

Exalted                                                 181pts
BSB, Chaos Steed, Shield, Dawnstone.

Sorcerer                                               120pts
Infernal Puppet

25x Warriors                                       450pts
Standard, Musician, Champion, Mark of Tzeentch,

5x Marauder Horsemen                75pts
Mark of Slaanesh

5x Marauder Horsemen                75pts
Mark of Slaanesh

10x Knights                                         450pts
Champion, Musician, Mark of Tzeentch

10x Knights                                         450pts
Champion, Musician, Mark of Tzeentch                                 Total:2400pts

Henry Poor:  O&G

Orc Warboss                                      350pts
Wyvern, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Endurance, Sword of strife  

Orc Great Shamman (Lvl4)                 225pts
Earthing Rod

Black Orc Big Boss                            150pts
BSB, Crown of Command

Night Goblin Shaman                           75pts

Goblin big boss                                   53pts
Wolf, Shield, Light armour, Spear.

Goblin big boss                                   51pts
Wolf, Light armour, Spear.

35x Night Goblins                              170pts
Musician, Champion, Nets
 35x Night Goblins                             170pts
Musician, Champion, Nets

25x Orc Boys                                     210pts
Standard,Musician, Champion, Shields.

5x Wolf Riders                                    50pts

18x Black Orcs                                   261pts
Standard, Musician,Champion, Banner of Eternal Flame.

4x Trolls                                            140pts
 3x Goblin Wolf Chariots                    150pts
1x Wolf Chariot                                 50pts
1x Wolf Chariot                                 50pts

1x Doom Diver                                  80pts
1x Doom Diver                                  80pts

1x Rock Lobber                               85pts                                                       Total: 2400pts

Dan Butler: Daemons

Bloodthirster of Khorne, 450 pts
Immortal Fury, Obsidian Armour, Axe of Khorne

Herald of Khorne 165pts
BsB, Firestorm Blade, Armour of Khorne.

28x Bloodletters 391 pts
Standare, Musician, Champion, Icon of Endless War.

Herald of Tzeentch, 165 pts
Master of Sorcery(Shadow), Spell Breaker.

Herald of Slaanesh, 115 pts
Siren Song.

25x Daemonettes of Slaanesh, 343
Musician, Standard Bearer, Siren Standard.

5x Chaos Furies 60 pts
5x Chaos Furies 60 pts
1x Fiends of Slaanesh 55 pts
3x Fiends of Slaanesh 165pts
3x Nurglings, 105 pts
6x Flamers of Tzeentch, 225 pts
Pyrocaster                                                           Total: 2400pts.

Peter Dunn: Skaven

Grey Seer 310 pts
Earthing Rod, Talisman of Preservation.

Chieftain 87pts
Bsb, Standard of Discipline.

Plague Priest 299 pts
Plague Furnace, Flail, Dispel Scroll, Opal Amulet, Ironcurse Icon.

Warlock Engineer (Lvl 1)                115pts
Doomrocket, Warp-Energy Condenser.

Warlock Engineer                           65 pts
Brass Orb.

Warlock Engineer                           15 pts

20x Stormvermin                            215 pts
Standard, Musician, Champion, Storm Banner.

28x Clanrats 146 pts
Standard, Musician, Champion

39x Skavenslaves                           80 pts

39x Skavenslaves                           80 pts

39x Skavenslaves                           80 pts

27x Plague Monks                          244 pts
Standard, Musician, Champion, Plague Banner

9x Gutter Runners                           162 pts          
Sling , Poisoned Attacks
9x Gutter Runners                           162 pts          
Sling , Poisoned Attacks

1x Warp-Lightning Cannon              90 pts

Hell Pit Abomination                       250 pts
Warpstone Spikes                                                                           Total:2400pts

Nick Irvine: Wood Elves

High Born                             561pts
Shield, Lt Armour, Dragon Helm, Stone of Crystalmere, Sword of Might, Hail of Doom, Forest Dragon.

Noble                                    190pts
BsB, Armour of Destiny, Great Eagle

Spell Singer (Lvl2)                 150pts
Dispell Scroll

16x Dryads                            204pts

10x Glade Guard                              126pts
10x Glade Guard                              138pts
Standard, Musician.
12x Glade Guard                              178pts
Standard, Musician, Champion, Banner of Eternal Flame.

10x Wildriders                                   321pts
Standard, Musician, Champion, War Banner.

Treeman                                              285pts
Great Eagle                                         50pts
Great Eagle                                         50pts
6x Way Watchers                               144pts                                   Total: 2397pts

Mal Patel: Lizardmen

Slann Lvl 4 Lore of Beast                315pts
Higher state of consciousness, Cube of Darkness

Old Blood                                            285pts
Cold One, Light Armour, Burning Blade of Chotec, Crown of Command,Talisman of Preservation.

Scar-veteran                                      186pts
BSB, Cold one, Armour of destiny,  Great Weapon.

Scar-Veteran                                     146pts
Cold-one , Gamblers Armour, the Other Trickster shard,  Great Weapon.

Scar-Veteran                                      161pts
Cold-one, Light Armour, Dawnstone , Dragonhelm, Venom of the Firefly, Great weapon.

28x Saurus warriors                         338pts
 Standard, Muscian, Champion
11x Skink Skirmishers                     88pts
Javelins and Shields                                                                                       
11x Skink Skirmishers                     88pts
Javelins and Shields
11x Skink Skirmishers                     88pts
Javelins and Shields

3x Terradons                                    90pts                                                                                                                     
3x Terradons                                    90pts                                                                                                                                                     
5 Cold-one Cavalry                          175pts                                                                                                                   

Ancient Stegadon                              275pts
Salamander                                       75pts                             Total: 2400pts.

Phil Commins: Daemons

Keeper of Secrets (Lvl3)                  590pts
Allure of Slaanesh, Soul Hunger, Torment Blade,.

Herald of Slaneesh                           215pts
BSB, Steed of Slaneesh, Greater Icon of Despair.

Herald of Tzeentch                          185pts
Disc of Tzeentch, Master of Sorcery, Spell Breaker.

Herald of Khorne                             100pts

5x Flamers of Tzeentch                    175pts
2x Fiends of Slannesh                      110pts
1x Fiends of Slaneesh                      55pts

5x Seekers of Slaneesh                    169pts
Standard, Champion, Siren Standard.

27x Pink Horroes                              363pts
Standard, Champion,  Icon of Sorcery.
27x Bloodletters                               373pts
Standard, Champion, Skull Totem.

5x Chaos Furies                                 60pts                        Total: 2395pts

Thom Van Roekel: Dwarves

Runelord                                             263
Shield, Rune of Stone, Rune of Preservation, Master Rune of Balance, Rune of Spell Breaking, Rune of Spell Breaking.

Thane                                   160
BsB, Master Rune of Gromril, Rune of Preservation, Master Rune of Challenge, Rune of Fire.

Master Engineer                              70

Dragon Slayer                                60
Rune of Fire, Rune of Speed.

Dragon Slayer                               50
Dragon Slayer                               50

20x Dwarf Warriors                      225
Great Weapons, Veteran, Standard Bearer, Musician

10x Quarrellers                             110

28x Longbeards                            439
Great Weapon, Veteran, Standard Bearer, Musician, Master Rune of Grungni.

29x Hammerers                            378
Champion, Standard Bearer, Musician.

5x Miners                                      55
5x Miners                                      55

Cannon                                         110
Engineer, Rune of Burning.

Cannon                                         115
Engineer, Rune of Reloading .

Organ Gun                                    120
Gyrocopter                                    140                              Total: 2400pts

Timothy Lind  : Empire

Arch Lector of Sigmar,                   319 pts
War Altar, Mace of Helstrum, Dragonhelm, The Other Trickster's Shard.

Wizard Lord (Lvl4)                         255 pts
Seal of Destruction,

Captain of the Empire,                    163 pts
Pegasus, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Aldred's Casket of Sorcery.

Captain of the Empire                      125 pts
Bsb, Armor of Meteoric Iron, Dawnstone

Master Engineer,                             65 pts

39x Halberdiers,                             260 pts
Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion.
5 [Det] Archers  (Skirmishers)

17x Swordsmen,                              173 pts
Standard Bearer, Musician, Champion.
5 [Det] Archers (Skirmishers)

30x Flagellant Warband,                  300 pts
5x Pistoliers,                                    90 pts

1x Great Cannon,                            100 pts
1x Great Cannon,                            100 pts
1x Mortar,                                       75 pts
1x Mortar,                                       75 pts
1 Steam Tank,                                 300 pts       
Engineer Commander (Repeater Pistol)                               Total: 2400pts

Ryan Simister - Lizardmen

Slann                                           300
Higher State of Consciousness,Crown of Command
Saurus Old Blood                         250
Light Armour, Burning Blade Of Chotec, Cold one, Talisman of preservation

Saurus Scar-Veteran                    161
Light Armour,Cold one, Great Weapon, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone,Venom of the Firefly.
Saurus Scar-Veteran                    186
Armour of Destiny, BsB, Cold one, Great Weapon.

Saurus Scar-Veteran                    116
Light Armour, Cold one, Great Weapon

Skink Priest                                  105
Cube of Darkness

29x Suarus Warriors                     346
Standard, Musician, Champion.                                                      

11x  Skink Skirmishers                 70
11x Skink Skirmishers                  70
15x Skink Skirmishers                  120
Javelin and Shield

4x Terradons Riders                  120
8x Chameleon Skinks                96
Stegadon                                   235
3x Salamander Hunting Pack      225        Total 2400pts