Thursday, 2 August 2012

Kalida List WIP July round up.

Here are the painted characters I've got so far for the fast growing undead collection. Have it in mind to have a Kalida style type of list for the army which means that there will be a few archers involved. I'm still astounded at the great detail the Tomb Kings have. Quite a bit done over the week with some careful time management.
Few bits of repair work needed but a good solid base.

I wanted to mix it up so the Skellie horses and chariots have been repositioned. Still awaiting some tiles for the bases to match the existing bases. Trying to get some ideas for a brand or a mixture of paints to get a good sand colour, so if anyone has a good recipe please share your knowledge.

Amazing details on the Casket and it's given me inspirational ideas to sculpt my own bases of skeletal remains for future projects. Big thanks to Nikola for helping me out with the miniature (just missing the middle bit of the casket dude). It does feel good that the model is solid metal as I was facing up to getting this as a finecast... saved!

So here is the current terrain project which is taking ages but hopefully will be ultimately rewarding. Bet no one can guess what it is, hint: it's not a chilly bin. The blue styrofoam is fantastic for shaping and I can thoroughly recommend it for quick terrain building. I've used poly filler to reinforce any bits that need strength and durability.

Start of my first display base for 40k and it'll have a planned command squad of Cadian Imperial Guard.

Board games of the week:

This week I got to play properly two games I had a fleeting go at a few years back. They are oldies but goodies and are really enjoyable with a group of mates, not so much with the win at all cost crowd. 

Shadows over Camelot: Coop game which really takes me back to the good ol childhood sword and fantasy tales of Camelot. Plays up to 7 players who all take up roles as Knights of the round table to ward off the forces of evil and amongst the gathered heroes there is one traitor. With multiple quests to earn points for the forces of good or evil it's a great conversation game and good solid card game dynamics.

Check out this big modelled gaming board for the game. Definitely something special and if I only had the time to build.

 A little dated, but comes with a mass of highly detailed components which makes the game very good value.

It has very universal appeal as we had a mixed table playing this game and everyone enjoyed it, so it gets 3&1/2 stars out of 5.

Puerto Rico:

A perennial favourite, and has been around for a while. Good staple German economic type board games. I'm surprised that I haven't struck this game more often but I tend towards the sword and fantasy types. Great for the whole family so if you're looking around for your first few in your collection you shouldn't go past this. Really liked how it plays and we were all beginners and we were all capable after the second turn.

4 out of 5 stars.


  1. Definantly recommend Vallejo for their range of sand colours. Look at the Model Colour range for the best shades for sand

  2. Thanks Tim, I'll go and have a look at the local hobby shop this weekend. Those Tomb kings of yours are doing pretty well in the mainland I hear.
