Monday, 6 April 2015

NatCon 2015 at James Cook

This Easter NatCon was run in Auckland and ACG Club had the privilege to host 9 systems and a whole lot of board gamers over 3 sumptuous days. That's some serious gaming in anyone's terms and it was glorious. There were travelers from as far as Australia and many of New Zealand's top gamers gathered to compete in one of the oldest established tournaments in the country. The venue was massive and even with 130+ gathered over the weekend there was still a huge amount of space left if we want to expand on the competition next time.

Competitions held over the weekend were : Warhammer Fantasy Battle, Warhammer 40K, Fields of Glory Napoleonic, Fields of Glory AM, Flames of War, De Bellis Renationis, De Bellis Multitudinis, DBA, and X-Wing Miniatures.

Some of the Historical players prepare to get underway.
The hall hums with many games on the first day.

Here's some of the Photo's of the competition winners. 
I'll have more once the Photographers send me their pics.

Richard takes out the DBMM competiton flanked by Andrew.
 Andrew wins the Fields of Glory N tournament.
 Scott B accepts his win at the WH40k tables.
 Kelly continues his winning run this year in WHFB.
 Sofia hands over the massive Flames of War Trophy for 2015.

Just some of the event Pics taken over the weekend. 
Keep an eye out in the next two days for more pics to come.

 The Polish winged lances traveled long distances to be here.
They looked superb.

 Massive combats in the High Elf and Warriors of Chaos fight.

 Scott B's Winning Eldar list.
 Phil C's Daemons of chaos that took out the best Painted at the WHFB tourney.
More Photo's will come as I get them from the photographers.
 There was a huge selection and collections of troops on display.

 Nothing says a historical fight when there is Pikemen on the hill.
 Steady stream of board gamers came along over the weekend.
The Xwing competition was won by Rob. Thanks to Vagabond games for their sponsorship.

Big thanks to our sponsors for helping support the tournament and the community.
Over Easter some of them will have very good sales on so please visit their respective stores.

Your Local Hobby stores are holding,
 Buy 2 and get the second at 50% off sales over Easter.
(Conditions may apply). Go get your games at a bargain.

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