The survivors, shaken with fear, had no choice but to fend off this intimidating white lion that had stolen their quarry from them. The battle was a fierce one, the lion was extremely powerful and would severely injure the survivors with just a single swipe. Hannah was unlucky early on and took a powerful blow, breaking her ribs. Unable to catch her breath and move she hung back and directed the other 3 survivors, predicting it’s moves and pointing out its weak and unguarded areas.

Even with this tactical advantage, the survivors faced their toughest battle yet. The lion severely wounded every survivor multiple times, their injuries slowly bleeding out over time. But the survivors would not give up, they could not let the settlement down by not bringing the food they needed to survive for the next year. With the aid of Hannah, Orgasma struck a fearsome blow which maimed the Lion’s gonads; this furiously enraged the lion. The lion, out for vengeance against Orgasma chased after him, ignoring the other survivors. However it had also taken some nasty blows during the battle, and was weakened enough that it could not keep up with Orgasma. This feat bought enough time for the other survivors to slowly wittle down the lion’s health. Down to it’s last blows, the survivors attempted to take down this fearsome opponent. Orgasma attempted to strike down the lion with his dagger, but failed to wound it. In retaliation the lion struck a fatal blow to Orgasma, striking off his leg which bled out in a geyser of blood, killing him in seconds.
In the end, only two survivors remained, Hannah and one of her new companions. Hannah with two broken ribs, and unable to move quickly. And her new companion holding onto Hannah’s shoulder, with a lost arm and leg.
Our luck ran short in this Showdown Phase. We were equipped and experienced enough to face the level 1 Screaming Antelope that we intended to fight, but were no-where near ready to fight this level 2 white lion. It was an extremely close battle, with every survivor near their last breath by the end of it. And only two of us managed to come out of the fight alive. However, utilizing our Rawhide headbands to control the lions movements somewhat, along with Orgasma managing to snatch the lion’s testicles, we managed to pull the battle in our favour and take down the lion. In the end the 2 survivors returned with a wealth of resources.
The Settlement PhaseTraumatized by the fight that killed two of her companion’s the maimed and crippled survivors was struck by nightmares on her way back to the settlement. However, these dreams invigorated the settlement when she finally returned and told them of her and Hannah’s terrifying hunt.
After time had passed, and the settlement had grieved, they attempted to bring new life into the world and repopulate the settlement that had slowly dwindles over the last couple of lantern years. The maimed survivor took on a suitor. However, during childbirth she finally succumbed to her many wounds, and lost her child in the process. The second couple who attempted to procreate were far luckier however, and had a beautiful pair of twins, one male and one female.
With the first births of the settlement the survivors decided on how they would raise their children in this world; with affection.
In the far distance, slow steady footsteps could be heard with the clanging of metal on metal. And with that, the third lantern of the hoard burnt out…
The settlement phase was a long one, with the wealth of new resources we had plenty of options of what to build. And with our wealth of endeavor points from the dream/storytelling settlement event we were able to attempt to repopulate our 9 strong settlement, failing the first time but being very successful the second and regaining some population to leave us at 11 strong. And with that our second session of Kingdom Death Monster came to a close!
Join us in the next session of Kingdom Death, when we face our first nemesis of the campaign – the Butcher!
That’s all for now,